A diversity of people who have bandages on their arms.

Are you an uninsured or underinsured adult in need of recommended vaccinations?

Vaccine Articles:

Reasons to Follow CDC’s Recommended Immunization Schedule _ Childhood Vaccines _ CDC

Preventive Actions to Help Protect Against Flu

COVID-19 Vaccine: Myth & Facts

What you need to know about COPD, Asthma, and Adult Vaccines

Where you can get recommended vaccines:

Local health providers
partnered with state and
local health departments*‡

Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) supported health centers partnered with state and local immunization programs*‡

Select pharmacies:
CVS, Walgreens,
and eTrueNorth

Visit vaccines.gov to find out more information.
Questions or want to learn more?

Visit cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge