CHFFF in Spanish

Updated Files in Spanish, 2022

Translated Files, 2015 edition of CHFFF

Below are links to each of the parts of the 2015 CHFFF curriculum that have been translated into Spanish. These include each of the six lessons, the CHFFF cover page and spine, the posters, and the recipe appendix. Game instruction cards in Spanish can be printed from the lessons. The translation was done in 2016, facilitated by the National 4-H Council with funding from the Walmart Foundation. Translated files were reviewed by educators of varying Spanish ethnicities and edited as needed. (Note: The visuals were only translated within the lessons from the screen shots and not also as separate documents.)


Section Contents


Printing Instructions
Cover Cover Page in Spanish


Single-sided, not 3-hole; insert in front sleeve of binder.
Spine Spine in Spanish


Print on cardstock, cut apart, insert one into binder spine.
Lesson 1 Bebe Leche Baja en Grasas y Agua (black and white only)


Double-sided, 3-hole paper; insert after Tab 1.
Lesson 2 ¡Pónle Color a tu Plato!


Double-sided, 3-hole paper; insert after Tab 2.
Lesson 3 ¡Léela Antes de Comer!


Double-sided, 3-hole paper; insert after Tab 3.
Lesson 4 ¡Haz Que la Mitad de tus Granos Sean Enteros!


Double-sided, 3-hole paper; insert after Tab 4.
Lesson 5 Alimentos Más Saludables – Rápido


Double-sided, 3-hole paper; insert after Tab 5.
Lesson 6 ¡Empieza tu Día con Energía!


Double-sided, 3-hole paper; insert after Tab 6.
Posters Posters in Spanish, 11×17


Single-sided, 11×17 paper, laminated (or print onto cardstock)
Recipe Appendix CHFFF Recipes in Spanish


Single-sided, in sheet protectors (optional, since ½-page versions already in lessons & newsletters).
Active Game Playing Pieces Elementos a utilizar para jugar los juegos.


Print double-sided onto cardstock and cut each page in half.