Evidence for CHFFF
Two CHFFF evaluation studies were conducted:
1. A quasi-experimental design with delayed intervention was used to evaluate CHFFF in low-income settings. CHFFF participants in 27 after-school and 28 in-school EFNEP groups in five New York counties in 2014-15 completed a self-report survey at initial enrollment, after a no-intervention control period, and after receiving CHFFF. Statistical analyses were based on 561 third-sixth graders who completed all three surveys and participated in at least four of the six lessons. Compared to their control period, after receiving CHFFF, youth significantly improved in the following multi-item dietary scores: overall dietary intake (p<.001), vegetable intake (p<.001), fruit intake (p<.01), soda/fast food intake (p<.05) and intent to consume soda/fast food (p<.001). Youth also reported reading Nutrition Facts labels and sharing about healthy eating with their family more often (both p<.001), and a greater likelihood of having tried a new food (p<.001). Results provide research-based evidence for the effectiveness of this curriculum in improving self-reported child diet and related behaviors.
- Reference: Wolfe WS, Dollahite JS. Evaluation of the Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness 3rd-6th Grade Curriculum: Changes in Obesity-Related Behaviors. J Sch Health. 2021. DOI: 10.1111/josh.12970. (PDF)
2. Earlier, CHFFF was evaluated in low-income youth participating in EFNEP and SNAP-Ed during 2013–2015 using the federal EFNEP 3rd-5th and 6th-8th grade pre-post surveys, along with 2 sets of added CHFFF-specific items completed by subsamples of the 3rd-5th graders. Educators trained in CHFFF had youth complete the surveys as they delivered the curriculum, primarily in schools and after-school programs. Paired t tests showed significant (P < .01) positive changes before to after CHFFF education for consumption of vegetables, fruits, sweetened drinks, nutrition label reading, tasting new foods, and other food and activity behaviors, providing practice-based evidence that CHFFF promotes positive behavior change in participating youth.
- Wolfe WS, Scott-Pierce M, Dollahite J. Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness youth curriculum promotes positive behaviors. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018; 50(9):924-930. (PDF)
- Wolfe WS. Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness, an experiential youth curriculum that promotes healthy eating and active play. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018; 50(10):1053-1055. (PDF)