Instructions to Print the New 2022 Curriculum or Update the 2015 Version
The CHFFF files are available to download and print. They include all printed items needed to teach CHFFF (lessons, posters, food packages, visuals, handouts) except the National Dairy Council food model cards. (See below).
CHFFF was updated in 2022, to incorporate the new Nutrition Facts Label with its revised format and added sugar as a separate category. Visuals were updated, including a new set of 61 food packages, several nutrition activities were modified, and minor edits were made throughout the lessons for clearer instructions and more concise language in the script, including edits and screenshots to teach using the new visuals.
Those who have the previous version of CHFFF (2015) can either print a new version of the curriculum and teaching kit (especially recommended for new educators) or update their 2015 kit using the instructions provided and adapt the script and instructions slightly in some places to use the revised materials (e.g., new fast-food items and menus). Instructions for updating 2015 CHFFF.
New users can print a full version of the 2022 CHFFF curriculum and teaching kit, using the instructions provided, or order a 2015 version and update it as indicated. The 2015 version is available for a reduced price through the 4-H Mall.
All files should be printed in color, especially those the participants see or use, although all are readable in greyscale. Additional handouts can be printed from the website as needed to give to participants. Note that both the English and Spanish version of the family newsletters have been updated, with new Nutrition Facts Labels for all recipes.
National Dairy Council Food Model Cards – Order or Download
- National Dairy Council food model cards are needed for Lessons 2 and 6.
- The cards are life-size photos of ½-cup equivalent servings of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other foods.
- Many educators have a set already that they can use (the Nutrition Facts Labels on the backs were updated, but only the fronts are needed for CHFFF).
- The food model cards may be available through your local Dairy Council. Find contact information for your state affiliate by selecting your state on the “Find Your Local Dairy Council” map
- The food cards are also available online to download from National Dairy Council. Click on “Download Resource”.
- Follow these instructions for which pages to print for use in CHFFF.